Welcome family and friends to my very first blog. To abandon means to surrender or yield oneself and I have recklessly abandoned my life to heed the call that God has put on my heart to move to Romania and work with orphan children. I am full of unbounded enthusiasm and exuberance as I begin this journey to Romania and am excited to share my adventure with you!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

January Newsletter

January 2007

123 Auto Drive
Boise, ID 83709

Str. Ion Vidu Nr. 25
Bistrita -BN Code 4400
Romania, Europe

Matt 25:40 “…Truly I tell you, in so far as you did it for one of the least of these My brethren, you did it for Me. ”

La Mulţi Ani! is how you say Happy New Year! in Romanian. It’s also how you say Happy Birthday. Welcome to a New Year! I had an enjoyable New Year’s Eve celebration with my new Romanian friends. Any (pronounced like Annie) was home from college and we had a bunch of young people over to the house to celebrate the New Year.
We also had a visit from three young gypsy boys who are part of the after school program for underprivileged children. They came by to share a Romanian custom with us that consisted of a dance (complete with costumes), drum, and song/skit. It was wonderful! I have posted more details about the custom on my blog if you are interested in reading more. We also enjoyed a long and grand fireworks display at the city center just before midnight. All across Romania people were not only celebrating the New Year, but the fact that Romania is now part of the European Union.

After waiting months to obtain permission to work in the orphanage, I was finally given the official volunteer contract allowing me to work as much as I wanted in our local orphanage. I have been working three days per week in the baby room and enjoying it very much! I have been working with the staff psychologist and physical therapist to better understand the children’s developmental goals and become more comfortable handling the children’s special needs. I think the thing that has surprised me the most is how quickly these children have bonded with me. All of the children have physical and cognitive disabilities, but even the most severely challenged children both recognize and respond to me. I think at first they were just happy to have someone take them out of their crib…touch them….play with them…etc. Now, they actually light up when they recognize me and those who can will wrap their arms around my neck and hug me. It is the most amazing experience! I have also begun to develop relationships with the staff…nurses, psychologist, physical therapist, administrators, etc. Thankfully about 50% of them know English, the others and I struggle to communicate. I know just enough Romanian to get by with the basics, but I long to be able to talk to them. I wish I could say that the language has been easy to learn now that I am here and immersed in it but unfortunately, that has not been the case. Although I have begun to both recognize and understand many new words and can piece together simple sentences from my limited vocabulary, I am a long way from being able to speak Romanian! I have been given some language books and CD’s to assist in my efforts, however, and this has been a great help.

The New Year brought a surprise to my English class at the Community Center for Youth…more kids! I now have 15 kids in my class and all are eager to learn English. I’ve always enjoyed public speaking and being the center of attention, but I’m amazed that I’m actually able to teach this class. Why? Because I hate grammar…and I’m not good at it at all…and I’m “teaching” it? Fortunately, I had grammar classes at the School of Ministry and some wonderful online ESL resources otherwise I would be completely lost. Fortunately, because I am weak in this area I depend more on the Lord to help me and then I am strong.

Answered Prayers:

• Becoming more comfortable working with children with special needs
• Positive response from my English students to my teaching
• Learning the culture and fitting in with the Romanians

Please continue to pray for:

• Leaning the Romanian Language
• The conversational English classes at the Community Center for Youth
• Continued learning to work with children with special needs
• That I will have a greater servant’s heart to be a blessing to the Romanian people

With His loving grace & peace,
Natalie Bridges

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