Welcome family and friends to my very first blog. To abandon means to surrender or yield oneself and I have recklessly abandoned my life to heed the call that God has put on my heart to move to Romania and work with orphan children. I am full of unbounded enthusiasm and exuberance as I begin this journey to Romania and am excited to share my adventure with you!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Kaidon and T-Rex

Kaidon is 4 years old and right now he is really into dinosaurs. He has several that he got for Christmas and can usually be seen with at least one in his hand or within arm’s reach. The other day Kaidon’s T-Rex got him into trouble. It started when his little sister, Sedona, tattled to mom (Cynthia) that Kaidon had made a mess. Upon investigating, Cynthia found that there was indeed a mess in the front room. The vase of flowers was tipped over and water and flowers were scattered on the table and the floor beneath it. Kaidon was hiding out in the family room with a look that was highly suspicious. Cynthia asked Kaidon to come and talk to her about the mess and, knowing her son, she began to search for the right question to ask him to get the whole story out of him. It went something like this:
Cynthia – “Did you make the mess Kaidon?”
Kaidon – “No”
Cynthia – “Did you knock over the flowers?”
Kaidon – “No”
Cynthia – “Did you play with the flowers?”
Kaidon – “No”
Cynthia – “Did you touch the flowers?”
Kaidon – “No”
Cynthia – “How did the flowers end up on the floor?”
Kaidon – “T-Rex did it”
At that point, Kaidon held up the plastic T-Rex he was holding in his hand. It was all Cynthia could do to hold back the laughter when she saw tiny baby’s breath flowers dangling out of T-Rex’s mouth! It just made me think of the classic Calvin & Hobbs cartoon. I could just imagine Kaidon standing there with his mouth wide open as a giant T-Rex stomped through the room and attacked the vase of flowers, toppling them to the ground, spilling the water everywhere as he contentedly munched the flowers. Of course, T-Rex turns plastic again when mom comes into the room and discovers the mess. Poor Kaidon is left to take the blame! Fortunately for Kaidon, this time there was ample evidence to vindicate him of any wrong doing – ha!


Blogger general said...


It's nice to be able to read and keep up with what you're doing! I hope all is very, very well.

(Sam and Lori's friend)

8:14 PM


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