January 2009 Update
What a joy it was to be home for the holidays! I was able to spend a month with my parents in Texas and had a wonderful time visiting with family and friends! I also got to spend a few weeks in Boise, but time was short and I didn’t get to see everyone I wanted to. Overall, it was a great visit and I was able to enjoy a much needed rest.
I had a long, but uneventful trip back to Bistrita and was welcomed by warm people, but a cold house! We had switched from our expensive gas radiator heating system to a wood burning stove just before I left for the States. So although it will save almost $1,000 per month in heating costs, it isn’t big enough to heat the entire house. We finally have the temperature inside up to 62 degrees now, but it took us a while to get there. Fortunately, the outside temperatures have been warming and that helps. It also helps that all of us are home again from our holiday travels and have someone tending to the fire on an ongoing basis. Along with all of us being home again, we discovered that we had some unexpected visitors staying with us…mice! We practically had mice condos in the pantry there were so many! To date, we have disposed of 17 mice. Hopefully we don’t have others yet to be discovered. One night we set 6 traps and in the morning, had 6 dead mice! I guess it’s a good thing the house is so cold or we might have had a larger rodent problem!
I have started back with the outreach programs again....basically picked up where I left off. It has been great fun loving on the kids again. They were really excited to see me and overall seem to be much calmer these days, which is wonderful. I think our new workers have settled into a better routine with the kids now and it is much less stressful for all of us. We’ve had a lot of sickness (colds and such) hitting the kids pretty hard this month, but overall the kids are doing well.
Another exciting thing that happened this month in the orphanage is Christmas!! Several years ago a team from Spain came for a couple of weeks and helped in the orphanage. The children made such a huge impact on them that they have sent
Christmas gifts for each of the children in the baby room for the past two years. I was able to bring those gifts to the children again this year and we so enjoyed sharing in their joy as they opened their gifts. Many of the workers as well as managers and staff joined in the celebration of joy. Each child received a new outfit and shoes as well as a toy specially picked out for them. The outfits were adorable and very fashionable and all of us ladies oohed and awed over them. The children who could, immediately put on their new shoes and proudly showed them off.
Prayer Requests:
• One of the boxes I shipped to myself is missing. Please pray that it will arrive soon!
• Health…I’ve had a nasty sinus infection and cough
• Continuing to learn the Romanian language
• Wisdom in working with the older children and new workers in the orphanage
With much love,
Natalie Bridges
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